I’ve been waiting to get around to this for a while and finally took the plunge. MovableType 4, my blogging software’s latest update, is here and it’s very different to 3.x. Different in a very alluring and aesthetically pleasing way. The administration interface has come on in leaps and bounds to look like a very professional piece of web software. Under the hood, I’m not sure if too much has changed but the top layer is a welcome change. Furthermore, this upgrade has finally allowed me to make use of the “notify me of further comments” subscription option that is only available in version 4 through the use of Rob Synnott’s plug-in. The upgrade itself is incredibly painless, coming from 3.34 as a base. Go for it! If you notice any problems please let me know.
We need to sit down and compare MT4 notes. I wonder if I could arrange a sunny day in Waterford next week?