Google has just added its much awaited Presentations to its current offering of Docs & Spreadsheets. I read this announcement on the Google blog earlier and just gave it a whirl. First impressions, yes, I’m impressed. Obvious omissions are a big selection of templates and slide transitions but additional features such as webcasting your presentation to invited parties and a hook-up with gTalk is genius! You need never have to travel again to give a stupid 15 minute presentation followed by idle comments and questions. You can do it all online and save a frickin’ fortune!! Google I salute you once more but if you ever decide to start charging for your basic services, I’ll download the internet and ignore you forever. 😉 source: Google Blog
UPDATE: Random yet provoked thought. Google-based Barcamp anyone?
Hi Jonathan,
I have to agree – i was impressed with the sharing – i even mocked up a presentation on the nice grass background and shared it with an old mate in Austin Texas (and gtalk) – he was impressed too with the non-travel to boredom city option.
Hi Fiona, it’s great how fast it works and uploading an existing PowerPoint works pretty well also. I’m a little disappointed that there’s not support for Apple’s Keynote at the moment but I’m sure that if market demands increase they’ll include this too. Fast, friendly and fully-feasible. Finally an alternative to the day-trip?