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Drunk Drivnig = Windfall

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We’ve all heard the story of the “supposed” drunk driving Garda. Now why we have to keep saying supposed I really do not know but however! Well he’s set to retire now, a decision influenced by recent events I “suppose”. However, unlike most other people in the world this act of drunken debauchery that has thrown the law enforcing moral high ground of the Gardaí into disrepute, in my opinion, has been rewarded with a benevolent Eur 47K per year pension and a Eur 140K gratuity payment. I am sickened to the core, disgusted and completely disillusioned. Noel Brett (Road Safety Authority) was speaking on the radio this morning and tried desperately to turn around the situation as an example of nobody, no matter who, is excused from drink driving in this country. Sadly Noel at this kind of payout, the country is simply encouraging people to go drink driving. Sickening! How about a road safety ad with this as the subject matter: drunk Garda getting caught and being shamed or a politician would do (I believe we have one that likes to drive the wrong way up motorways). The reason we won’t show this is that it would not present the law abiding and upholding image that we require, as society, of such figures. Well you know what the country is completely f**ked up anyway, we have tribunals against politicians and Gardaí; we have corrupt planning cases, bribery and scandal. At this stage the people would prefer a little truth and honesty rather than role models that don’t really exist! source: The Irish Times

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