Been looking around now for a while for a nice way to track coverage through the IDE rather than having to run a separate build every time I want to check something. Up until now I have been making do with a 30-day trial of the omnipotent Clover. However, I’ve finally gotten a chance to try out the eclipse plugin known as Coverlipse (installable by pointing your eclipse site update manager at
It integrates reasonably well with eclipse and although it runs a little slower than the Clover plugin it provides pretty much the same data and poses little overhead in terms of learning. It’s worth a try if any of ye are tearing your hair out with coverage problems and constant separate builds when all you want to check is a single class for coverage stats. source: Coverlipse
I’m sure I’ll find myself installing this 🙂
I think the plugin architectures supported by OSS IDEs makes for some really interesting (and powerful) development software.
For example, I came accross this -> OpenOffice API plugin for NetBeans.
Generating (useful) spreadsheets doesn’t require Windows and COM anymore!