Over the past number of days I have been doing a lot of thinking about mobile phones. It comes on the back of having left my beloved 8210 in London last week after my meeting and now I anxiously await its postage back to me; so as is normal I fear for its safety.
In the hopefully unlikely event of a broken item I was wondering what I would buy to replace the phone. Maybe a snazzy picture phone that I would never use to send MMS or something with Java capabilities so that I could play cool games on the move on a 2 inch screen.
It was then that it dawned on me, why are we developing phones with application technology in such a confined space when there are already countless numbers of mobile gaming devices of a larger screen size and plenty of room to include a mobile chipset and antenna in the casing? If the future of mobile gaming is really that hot then give people the ability to see and interact properly with the application rather than a 2 inch screen and dodgy key sequences for playing.
Personally if I was using my phone for games in a big way then I’d rather have something the size of a Gameboy with a bluetooth headset for making calls. Hmm, maybe I’ve actually made sense for once… patent pending!! 🙂