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Life in General

What’s in a name?

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Just reading Bernie’s RSS feed, as I do every day (he’s worth subscribing to), and noticed this posting on the use of pseudonyms and proposed legislation with respect to internet identities. It makes for shocking reading that it might be illegal to set up an e-mail account with inaccurate information about yourself. Let’s hope that… Read More »What’s in a name?

How Google can combat global warming

Now here’s a quirky idea that you don’t hear about every day. Somebody has gone off and done the math of exactly how much energy would be saved if Google’s homepage had a black background instead of white. Makes sense I guess. source: the thinking blog

Shattered Mystery

Just what do you think if you wake up to see the inside pane of a double glazed sliding door shattered, knowing that nobody inside your home hit it from the inside? That’s exactly what happened to Alan Graham and he wants answers to save his sanity – I would too. My own personal theory… Read More »Shattered Mystery

Attack of the Prawns

As everything else in the world appears to be changing in recent times, no doubt all due to global warming, a strange species of prawn has been found off the coast of Cork. According to fishery experts this species has no business in our waters and is normally found off the coast of Japan and… Read More »Attack of the Prawns

Calling all subscribers

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For a long time I have not really cared about services like Feedburner for tracking subscribers to my RSS feed. Probably for subconscious reasons of fearing that I only have two regular readers of me in work and me at home. 🙁 Anyway recently I have had a change of heart and decided to sign… Read More »Calling all subscribers

Family, the quiet ones

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It was that time of randomness again last night when I trawled the Google search system for references to my name (oh the shame). Having completed my own name search I decided to try other family members, especially Brian, who has just started his life in computers, to see what artifacts were lying around. Little… Read More »Family, the quiet ones

Shut the F**k up McDowell!

I’ve all but had it with this country’s minister for justice: on the news today I hear him pompously attacking Pat Rabbitte for his party’s policy on reducing the lower tax band, describing Rabbitte as hypocritical and it being a very sad moment for him. Big words indeed from a minister for justice that somehow… Read More »Shut the F**k up McDowell!


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IFTA as in IFTA was something else on, nobody would watch them. Sadly as I lay here still recovering from a long illness, obviously still too sick to reach the remote, I reluctantly admit, nay confess, to watching the IFTA show on RTE. Having just seen the ceremony all the way through I can without… Read More »The IFTAs

CAO let students down again

The news has broken over night with respect to the disastrous online system provided by the CAO for leaving certificate students filling out their college choices. Seemingly the website has been frequently inaccessible causing much distress to students who are already on nerves end with their approaching exams and confusion as to whether or not… Read More »CAO let students down again