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Life in General

Meet Pythagoras

Pythagoras Originally uploaded by jbwan Our new rabbit arrived home yesterday to his newly constructed hutch which I have made 1000% cat proof – I even find it difficult to get into it myself to give him his food and water. His name is Pythagoras but his friends call him Pi for short. 🙂 He’s… Read More »Meet Pythagoras

High School Kid Targets Chuck

Apparently a teenager in the US has been arrested under the suspicion of making terror threats and making up a “hit list” of people. Shockingly enough the name of Chuck “He counted to infinity twice” Norris, made it onto that list. A bit of advice kid, don’t mess with anyone who can slam a revolving… Read More »High School Kid Targets Chuck

Someone dusted off Danny

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For ages now, I and others have been awaiting the voice of Danny O’Hare to appear in the national media, attacking the case for a university in the South East. It’s pretty sad really that somebody could be so predictable as to have people watching the papers and waiting for him but there you go.… Read More »Someone dusted off Danny


I awoke this morning to see the entire of my garden covered in a blanket of snow – yes it is April 7th. Momentarily filled with childish glee I starred out over the blank canvas and dappled decking, recalling childhood memories of simpler times. When I was growing up we had a few good snowfalls in the… Read More »Wonderland

And Bertie Wept…

Yesterday, I and a number of other volunteers for the University for the South East campaign finished our 120 mile run from Waterford to Dublin where we staged a rally outside Leinster House and handed a letter of support for the university over to the Dáil. Thanks to all the national press people who were… Read More »And Bertie Wept…

Fixed Easter?

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Apparently an Irish business group has got together to propose that Easter should fall on a fixed date each year. Now this is just brilliant! The article is citing that the group wants all manner of altruistic causes to be served by a fixed date for Easter but why would a business group want things that… Read More »Fixed Easter?

You too could be a star

Tip of the hat to JazzBiscuit for showing me this first and as such I’m trailing way behind the world of recent events by posting this but the more I think about it, the more it is worth a post. Many out there will be aware of the name Sophie Merry, who at this stage… Read More »You too could be a star

Arthur C. Clarke RIP

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Nothing but death in the last couple of days. This morning I learned of the death of Arthur C. Clarke, the famous author of “2001 a Space Odyssey”. Arthur’s imagination and understanding of the vaguely known gave rise to an entire generation of devoted fans to his work. I first encountered him in the context… Read More »Arthur C. Clarke RIP

Organised Spammers

I have posted on occasion when spammers have made me laugh and today is no exception to that pattern of my behaviour. We are all so used to getting spam in one form or other, be it suspect medications, lottery wins, traditional 419’ers or any other number of things. Today however, there was something new… Read More »Organised Spammers

The finest Cod fillet

In sad news today, Captain Bird’s Eye has passed away at the age of 86, well the actor who played him anyhow. Probably the most iconic Captain of an entire generation, if not two. The memories of the ads will live on. Adieu! source: BBC News