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Run for Life

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Last year I ran the Dublin City Marathon to raise some money for the local Hospice Centre in Waterford City. This year I sadly cannot run that race again due to a wedding on the same day – nice one Damo, little consideration for the runners, no? 😉 So instead I have undertaken a more… Read More »Run for Life

PAMELA finds dark matter…

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…or at least according to Wino theory. Everyone in the cosmo world is holding their breaths at the moment in anticipation of PAMELA’s soon to be released findings on what they believe to be the discovery of dark matter. The team say that they have observed an unruly amount of positron production in space, the… Read More »PAMELA finds dark matter…

Shock Waves?

We all joked about wireless electricity at one stage or another, usually with non-techies, and we all had a good laugh at the idea of bolts of lightening shooting around and everybody being shocked in the streets. Anyway when the laughter died down, I’m sure that the concept stayed with us all and thinking about… Read More »Shock Waves?

The 200

It has been a while since we had a good ole riot. Ah yes, you know that recession is in town when you have a riot of movie proportions, hitting the streets in Ireland. Apparently there was a riot in Mullingar today, involving about 200 people. As of yet there has been no reasons for the riot… Read More »The 200

Cuil – is it cool?

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Reading yesterday’s FT I spotted just how out of touch I was with recent events in the world of the internet. A brand new search engine, hyped as a possible competitor to Google, has emerged. Written as Cuil but pronounced “cool” it straightaway fails on the potential of having somebody say “have you cooled them… Read More »Cuil – is it cool?

Living with iPhone

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So, I’ve been a bit negative in general about the iPhone. I’ve been steadfast with respect to my opinion that the product merges two products that just should not be composed, when one is an essential communications device. Last week I had an e-mail from some cousins in Australia (big hello to Beth and the… Read More »Living with iPhone

MacBook Air Alternative?

I’m rarely enthused by the actions of those who “hack” software and hardware together that never had previous meetings but this is different. The MSI Wind (aka an Advent sub notebook) has a very nice 10″ screen and is now capable of running Mac OSX Leopard, albeit with a few hacks that are not for the feint… Read More »MacBook Air Alternative?

Cost of redecorating

Imagine you were doing up your living room, or maybe your kitchen. Yes, let’s say your kitchen, and you want a new granite worktop, new presses, new tiles, new appliances and sure why not make a snap decision to get yourself a handcrafted table and chairs! Right, your budget, granite worktops don’t come cheap but… Read More »Cost of redecorating

Play the man not the ball

Via Damien Mulley: Two members of Young Fine Gael were spotted impersonating Gerry Adams and Mary Lou McDonald outside Leinster House. Trying to create a satire and using completely inappropriate, inaccurate and irrelevant references to convince people as to the reasoning behind Sinn Féin’s stance on the Lisbon Treaty.  Wow! Totally wow! I hope that… Read More »Play the man not the ball