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February 2007

links for 2007-02-21

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Badge Any RSS Feed Make your RSS feed into a nice badge for others to use or alternative badge up your favourites for your own site. Not convinced about having to put data in page head elements and such but I guess it’s a start. (tags: rss feed badge yahoo pipes) FavIcon from Pics —… Read More »links for 2007-02-21

What’s in a name?

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Just reading Bernie’s RSS feed, as I do every day (he’s worth subscribing to), and noticed this posting on the use of pseudonyms and proposed legislation with respect to internet identities. It makes for shocking reading that it might be illegal to set up an e-mail account with inaccurate information about yourself. Let’s hope that… Read More »What’s in a name?

How Google can combat global warming

Now here’s a quirky idea that you don’t hear about every day. Somebody has gone off and done the math of exactly how much energy would be saved if Google’s homepage had a black background instead of white. Makes sense I guess. source: the thinking blog

links for 2007-02-20

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Linear Programming example Good example site for basic linear programming revision (tags: linear programming math revision) EU Year of Equality It’s the EU year of equality, how much will they achieve in 2007. I for one am looking for big changes in the area of age discrimination but only time will tell (tags: equality eu… Read More »links for 2007-02-20

Make your own site badge

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Make a badge for your site’s RSS feed, give one to your friends, share them around. The world needs more badges! Here is a really quick example of what you can do with a little JavaScript and Yahoo! Pipes, I can feel the PHP draining from me. I don’t like that you have to put… Read More »Make your own site badge

Shattered Mystery

Just what do you think if you wake up to see the inside pane of a double glazed sliding door shattered, knowing that nobody inside your home hit it from the inside? That’s exactly what happened to Alan Graham and he wants answers to save his sanity – I would too. My own personal theory… Read More »Shattered Mystery

Mac users too lax?

Well that’s the claim of an ‘independent’ researcher. Us Mac users are seemingly nonchalant about security issues, living in our fortresses of incorruptable software and viral immunity. So what’s his point? 🙂 source: BBC NEWS | Technology