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RIAA Just Kidding

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Well, well the RIAA have really pulled out all the stops in hammering down on the illegal music sharing demons of this world. Luckilly for us all they have captured the most heinous of those involved by bringing action against a 12-year-old girl from New York. C’mon aren’t there laws against that sort of thing?… Read More »RIAA Just Kidding

No Joy for Sun

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Amazingly, Bill Joy, Sun Microsystems co-founder and chief guru is leaving the company to pursue other challenges. One has to wonder if he has been drafted by Chelsea for something or other. source: The Register

Doomed I Say!

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Well maybe not so much doomed as loomed. Another story woven to grab the publics attention and what better way than with terror as the theme. Yes whether it be some hard hitting fundamentalist group or space rocks, people will always respond to terror news or news that strikes fear into the hearts of the… Read More »Doomed I Say!

Damn We’re Good!

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I was listening to the news last night and heard an interesting report about the efficiency of the Irish workers. It seems that in the productivity stakes even though we work less hours on average than the market leader America, we still put out comparatively good worth per capita figures. This all means that the… Read More »Damn We’re Good!

Antitrust for the RIAA

It appears as though the community of webcasters have teamed up to slap an antitrust suit on the RIAA for anti-competitive behaviour. The move comes following the increase in royalty fees and leaked information regarding a large sum of money accepted by a congressman, who forced the deal, for a trip to the Far East.… Read More »Antitrust for the RIAA

It’s Not Just the Poles

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This summers heat waves have seen record temperatures set right across Europe but more ominously they have also made the effects of global warming more apparent. It used to be the case that the polar ice caps were melting and people maybe didn’t take it so seriously due to the removed distance. However, it now… Read More »It’s Not Just the Poles

A Really Big Food Fight

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Well I guess that somebody had to do it. It seems as though the Spanish have organised the largest food fight in history with residents and tourists to the small town of Bunol throwing spoiled fruit at each other. The event saw the streets of the town run red with tomato pulp. One can only… Read More »A Really Big Food Fight

A Sign of Things to Come

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Just read this interesting snippet from Jon Udell about an idea that was passed by him for using road signs in Ireland as the basis for location-based services. Great idea and I can only wonder why our wonderfully knowledgeable government is not getting out there and doing something about it. source: Jon Udell: Bootstrapping location-based… Read More »A Sign of Things to Come

Buy Buy Handhelds

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Interesting article suggesting (in line with current trends) that people will soon move away from standalone PDA type devices in a mass exodus towards composed handheld devices. Such devices include the O2 XDA, Nokia 9210 Communicator and so on. The idea of a smart phone is gripping people who want more and more technology in… Read More »Buy Buy Handhelds


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Just reading the latest report on the Sobig virus and warnings of possible new strains of the virus that might be seen in the very near future. I have to stop and wonder that with all the technology available to us these days and how savvy we have become; why are so many people still… Read More »Sobig