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Dell choose Ubuntu

Dell have finally made their decision on Linux and will soon be offering Ubuntu Linux as an option for their machines. Finally after all these years people will have a choice of what they actually want on their PC or Notebook. It will be interesting to see what effect this has on Vista uptake from… Read More »Dell choose Ubuntu

Wireless in Carlow

Yesterday, Carlow became Ireland’s first hotspot town. Congratulations to Carlow and whoever attracted this project. I believe that the difference between this project and other wireless offerings is that it’s all account-based and you can use your broadband account anywhere within reach of a hotspot rather than just in your home. I have yet to… Read More »Wireless in Carlow

Orbitfiles Review

About two weeks or so ago I posted a quick intro to, an online backup solution that provides 6GB of free space to put your stuff. Naturally when I first saw it I signed up without thinking as why would you refuse free space? Well I’ve only just gotten around to really using the… Read More »Orbitfiles Review

Amazon go Universal with MP3

Amazon and Universal follow Apple and EMIs lead on the retail of DRM free MP3s. And so the ball starts to roll down the hill… Soon we’ll be back on the level and happy again without life controlling DRM technology. This move is only applying to the classical music division but surely will be a… Read More »Amazon go Universal with MP3

An Apple a day…

Last night at approximately 21:18 I finally gave in to temptation and clicked the little button that said purchase. Yes, continuing my love of Apple products I have fallen before the grace of the 24″ iMac and decided that my life would be meaningless without it. I really would have liked to max out all… Read More »An Apple a day…

Happy Birthday Spectrum

Today marks the 25th birthday of the Sinclair ZX Spectrum. Containing a monster 48K of RAM and providing beautifully crafted rubber keys, this computer was the envy of every Beach-Head player. About 1990 I got my first Spectrum, a 128 with the tape drive built-in rather than the separates system offered by Commodore. To be… Read More »Happy Birthday Spectrum

Mactive Desktop

Okay, we’ve all heard the term active desktop for many years. Ever since IE4 came onto the scene as far as I recall. You know, it’s the background wallpaper that’s interactive in some way whether it’s a webpage or some other object. Well rumour has it that Apple are currently developing something similar for OSX.… Read More »Mactive Desktop

Searchin or sellin?

For me, a comment against one of my photos in Flickr is like an applause from the biggest audience. I regard myself as the most amateur of photographers but I’ll persevere. For others, some whom I know, the quality of their work is set for a bigger stage. Until now a comment or a request… Read More »Searchin or sellin?

Another Google Application

Just picked this up from the Google Blog: It looks like the online office applications suite that Google has started to build with Documents and Spreadsheets is set to be enhanced this Summer with the addition of Presentations. No doubt compliance with Microsoft PowerPoint will be an absolute necessity. I’m looking forward to checking out… Read More »Another Google Application