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Life in General

A-boot Time

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In recent years we have all seen the impact that flashy, high-priced trainers and soccer shoes have had on the youth and even the not-so-young. In this light it is refreshing to hear about a New York Knicks basketball player who has endoresed a pair of US$15 basketball shoes in an attempt to curb the… Read More »A-boot Time

Stop that! It’ll make you go blind…

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A recent study has just published its findings on the possible linkage between lifting heavy weights and blindness. Seemingly the effort exerted when lifting heavy objects can increase the pressure within the eyes leading to a higher risk of glaucoma. Strangely enough the type of glaucoma associated with this is called “normal pressure glaucoma”. All… Read More »Stop that! It’ll make you go blind…

Bright Spark’s a Gas Man

Let me start by saying that this country is in an energy crisis. Not because there is a lack of energy but because our useless regulator always backs the requests from the states only two, national energy providers for gas and electricity. It has just been approved that a 20% hike in electricity and a… Read More »Bright Spark’s a Gas Man

Headbutt Revisited

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Italian footballer Marco Materazzi has come out and spoken about his world cup final conflict with Zinedine Zidane. Seemingly the entire fiasco envolved from a comment that Zidane made to Materazzi when he was tugging his shirt. Zidane reportedly said “if you want my shirt I will give it you afterwards” to which Materazzi supposedly… Read More »Headbutt Revisited

Steve Irwin RIP

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Just heard on the news this morning that the Australian adventure seeker, known best as “Crocodile Hunter” was killed in a tragic diving accident. The early stories coming from the scene point the blame at a sting ray that was in the area. Sadly for Steve the encounter was fatal. Like so many adventure seekers,… Read More »Steve Irwin RIP

Picture This

Just recently something has started to play on my mind: The number of recent film productions that are rated PG or 12. It seems like it has been forever since a 15 or 18 rated movie was made. Okay there have been some but not many. There are many reasons, I suppose, as to why… Read More »Picture This

Old News

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The equality authority has warned car rental companies and insurance companies against the improper practice of blanket banning people because of age alone. While I welcome this action by the authority it is a shame that they have only focussed it at the elderly, specifically those who are holidaymakers in the country, rather than including… Read More »Old News

CAO Won’t Change Mind

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It has emerged today that the CAO has made a significant blunder in the processing of this years college applications. At least 20 students who sent in change of mind forms fell victim to a computer problem that was known by the CAO but which they never informed the students of. To be honest, with… Read More »CAO Won’t Change Mind

Penguins Catch the Next Plane Home

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A bunch of penguins holidaying in Brazil after their ice floes metled having transported them many miles North are to be air lifted back home by the military. Don’t you just wish that every day was full of stories like this? source:

British Nuclear Plan

The British government published it energy review yesterday and sadly it has included the building of nuclear power plants to meet their energy needs. I sincerely hope that all Irish people will rise up in protest against this given the safety record maintained by Sellafield’s reprocessing plant. It’s clear that the level of care and… Read More »British Nuclear Plan