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Life in General

Searchin or sellin?

For me, a comment against one of my photos in Flickr is like an applause from the biggest audience. I regard myself as the most amateur of photographers but I’ll persevere. For others, some whom I know, the quality of their work is set for a bigger stage. Until now a comment or a request… Read More »Searchin or sellin?

Small Crime, Huge Problem

Today marks the start of a series of articles in the Irish Times by Ronan McGreevy, focussing on the problem of “environmental vandalism” within this country. The series of articles will touch everything from fly-tipping to graffiti and other small crimes. I suggest that anyone who still thinks that we live in an idyllic island… Read More »Small Crime, Huge Problem

Trademark My Words

This morning’s Dilbert cartoon made me think. Regular readers of my blog will know that Dilbert cartoons quite frequently make me think but I swear that I have other muses. 🙂 The topic of debate is registered trademarks and how difficult it is to acquire one these days. Everyone knows that pretty much every three-letter… Read More »Trademark My Words

Steorn Update Tomorrow

Thanks to Brian W for the link. Steorn, that mystical Irish company with the free energy from magnets technology are set to make an announcement tomorrow, Friday 13th. This update is with respect to the independent review process of their technology. What will come from this announcement, I can only sit and wonder. The marketing… Read More »Steorn Update Tomorrow

Kurt Vonnegut

I confess that before reading Bernie’s blog this morning, I had never heard of Kurt Vonnegut, recently deceased. However, upon reading some of the quotes provided, I wish I had and will most likely rectify the situation as soon as I can track down his material. While I cannot yet claim any impact of his… Read More »Kurt Vonnegut

A fitting example…

A perfect example of trying to police the content of the interweb’s social sites/blogs. Depending on the person taking exception, the harassed may become the harasser. This case involves a high school in the US where students, at home and on their own computers, made a fake my space profile for their headmaster and posted… Read More »A fitting example…

Blogger Code of Conduct

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For a little while now since the Kathy Sierra incident, the blogosphere has been kicking around the notion of a blogger’s code of conduct. Frankly when I first heard the idea I was gobsmacked that people who make their living/popularity from free speech and all things anarchical should even toy with such an idea. I’ve… Read More »Blogger Code of Conduct

Spaced out Word Man

The world’s latest space tourist, Charles Simonyi, a Microsoft Word developer, has just connected with the international space station. This got me thinking: If I had that kind of money what would I do? Well first off I won’t even get onto a commercial airliner due to an acute fear of flying so space travel… Read More »Spaced out Word Man