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Life in General

Finally Good News

At last some good news from the ESRI: Ireland is set for continued economic growth (and there I was thinking that they had been saying for the last 3 years that we were going down but alas we will now continue growth). Also scheduled are jobs booms and lots of other nice things. Thank you… Read More »Finally Good News

Bill of Health

It was announced yesterday that the government is planning to scrap the controversial computerised, health service, payroll system. Initially projected at a cost of Eur 9M the system has now run into the order of Eur 150M in costs. I’m sure that every computer programmer in the country is asking themselves right now: where can… Read More »Bill of Health

If that farm isn’t for sale, Minister’s still goin’ buy you a brand new jail

It would appear that the Minister for injustice is seeking legislation to cover compulsory purchases of land for prisons. In fairness, how many prisons do we need to warrant legislation? No doubt this is a kneejerk reaction to the recent outcry of Eur 30M being spent on farmland for a new prison and the pointing… Read More »If that farm isn’t for sale, Minister’s still goin’ buy you a brand new jail

Fianna “Fail”

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An article in today’s Times about the Dublin Port Tunnel left me in stitches. Seemingly Bertie has adopted the stance that any trucks that are too big to use the Dublin Port Tunnel should be turned away because they are not wanted. Could this be the ultimate in defence of the undefendable? He’s starting to… Read More »Fianna “Fail”

Backtrack on Trackback

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Due to a seemingly unavoidable level of trackback spam from ignorant, mutinous pirates of the cyber-seas I have disabled all trackbacks on my weblog as of today. Filtering the spam and removing the entires has become too much of a burden to warrant a continuance in my interest of cyber-social referencing. Despite using multiple plug-ins… Read More »Backtrack on Trackback

Morris Minor

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Finally Frank McBrearty jnr the man falsely accused and framed by the Gardaí for a murder that never happened has been awarded Eur1.5M by the state (Morris tribunal) after 9 years of pain and suffering on his behalf. Best wishes to Frank and I hope that his life can somehow return to normality. As for… Read More »Morris Minor

How do they make so much?

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Everyone knows at this stage that I am no fan of insurance companies – no secret there. It is sad however to only now see a report coming out about profits in the insurance industry accusing it of making excessive profits despite a drop in business. Car insurance is especially profitable for the industry and… Read More »How do they make so much?

Something’s Burning on the Hobbs

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In recent times we have all heard about the TV show “Rip-off Republic” and the controversy that it has been causing in Ireland with respect to how people view the financial management of the country by the government. We also know that the government has been deeply upset by the program (strange to comprehend that… Read More »Something’s Burning on the Hobbs

Shop Local

Over the weekend I noticed that my beloved running shoes of 4 years had acquired a puncture and required replacing. As it happens I was down in Cork with Siân on Saturday looking around when the thought dawned on me; whatever happened to those shop local adverts that used to be around when I was… Read More »Shop Local

Luas-ening the Purse Strings

It would appear that only a relatively short time after the Luas has been in operation it is already set for major redevelopments of various stops along the line. Seemingly it is planned that the Stephen’s Green stop will get a new platform, shiny new telescreens and ticket machines. The phrases “money pit”, “hole in… Read More »Luas-ening the Purse Strings