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My Name is My Domain

Another link I picked up from the ever-enlightening John Chow. A new blog publicity technique to drive technorati mad. To qualify you must have a domain name that is your real name. I happen to qualify for this being a deluded, dot com mogul, wannabe. 🙂 According to John to qualify as a dot com… Read More »My Name is My Domain

Neighbourhood Fix-it

A new website launched in the UK, to help residents make known problems in their area, is making headlines for getting things done. It has taken the traditional one-to-one reporting of problems to the council and replaced it with a community board making the problems harder to ignore. Nice idea, one that I have thought… Read More »Neighbourhood Fix-it


New release from Skype! This time their client and service will allow you to charge people for calling you. So if you think you’re worth it, download Skype Prime. This is a very interesting development in the VoIP world as we have just gotten used to free calls. Now we suddenly have the ability to… Read More »1590-VoIP

links for 2007-03-07

BBC NEWS | Entertainment | Star Wars cloak sells for £54,000 They sold Obi-Wan’s cloak! You just know that the new owner is going to wear it and reenact scenes from the legendary Alec Guinness. 🙂 (tags: obi-wan cloak star wars auction sold)

Obi-Wan’s Cloak Sold

Obi-Wan’s cloak from Star Wars (that is the one Alec Guinness wore) has been sold at auction for GBP 54,000. Nice to have but a bit rich for me to bid 🙁 source: BBC NEWS | Entertainment

Black is white

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Yet again our stiff upper lipped minister for justice denies the undeniable. With all the furore in recent days about the accidental deletion of a law last year that opened up a loophole in the system for sexual predators to prey on children, McDowell still stands defiant as if nothing ever happened. What kind of… Read More »Black is white

links for 2007-03-06

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Pipes: Rewire the web Pipes from Yahoo! Not bad, seems initially limited but maybe that’s just my imagination. Worth having a look at though if you’re into that sort of thing. (tags: yahoo pipes technology rss rewire pipe widget feeds) Slashdot | Microsoft Wanted To Drop Mac Office To Hurt Apple Using Mac as a… Read More »links for 2007-03-06

Physics – rewritten

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Now I don’t know how credible this is but it certainly caught my attention. Scientists in New Jersey claim to have broken the speed of light with a pulse so fast that: It raced so fast the pulse exited a specially-prepared chamber before it even finished entering it. First Steorn invent perpetual motion and free… Read More »Physics – rewritten

Apple Testing Office?

Interesting little snippet from Slashdot asking whether or not Microsoft used Mac to test new features within Office before they appeared in the Windows’ version of the software – ironing out bugs if you will. The article also mentions that Microsoft may have considered dropping Office Mac to hurt Apple and cause an instant ripple… Read More »Apple Testing Office?

Put that in your pipe!

Lots of people have been going on about Yahoo! Pipes since it emerged some time ago. I personally have been waiting for it all to die down before going on over to my new Flickr account (aka Yahoo! account) to have a look. I only spent a little while browsing around the available options and… Read More »Put that in your pipe!