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Preserving the Techno-past

Everyone interested in computing has at least one old computer lying around. We’ve either upgraded and not thrown out the old unit (you’ll never know it it will come in handy) or like me you just can’t resist having multiple computers in your home. Too often it is true that the old machines are never… Read More »Preserving the Techno-past


Normally I’m not one to get frustrated with MovableType (my blogging software) but today I’m a little upset that it’s not doing what I would like it to. I decided to retro-fit some new categories to my blog and stumbled upon the complete absence of a batch editor of any value at all. The current… Read More »ImmovableType

links for 2007-03-20

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openeID OpenID to be combined with eID – an accepted and proven, secure identity in Europe. I wonder if people will be forced to be themselves in time to come? (tags: openid eid europe identity authentication web secure)

Another Facelift!

It’s only a wet day (well a snowy one anyway) since I changed the look of my blog template. Doing that however, made the other residue on my site look like a heap of crap. So, I then changed the rest of the site pages to something more pleasing. I then decided that having the… Read More »Another Facelift!

Competition Time!

Win an iPod Shuffle if you are funny enough – thanks to Frank over at BifSniff. Once again the humourous and creative crew have come up with a wickedly funny caption competition. Leave your comment and see what happens. source: BifSniff

Time to unwind

I’ve decided to take a little break from work for the next two weeks and to try and stay away from my computers as much as I can. Not going anywhere, just trying to relax. So, expect fewer postings within this period. That got me thinking, fewer postings, dear God no! What to do, what… Read More »Time to unwind

Cover Blown!

It appears that my cover has been blown by “Super-sleuth Mulley”, even Jessica Fletcher has failed where he has succeeded. Not only has he discovered my F1 past (thankfully he didn’t mention anything about me being The Stig – ah crap! there I go) but he has also stumbled on my classified research ambitions. Seriously… Read More »Cover Blown!

Dying for an upgrade?

Imagine waking up in your first class seat aboard a 747 on a long haul flight to find the airborne version of a “legitimate businessmen” situation happening beside you. Well that’s what happened to Paul Trider when he woke up on a flight from Delhi to London, to find the flight crew manoeuvering a body… Read More »Dying for an upgrade?

The Day Before Tomorrow

The Day Before Tomorrow Originally uploaded by jbwan. Upon waking up this morning, the garden was covered with snow, my wheelie bins were strewn across the yard and my fence was blown down. We need a better term than “global warming”!

Technorati – I did it!

Some time ago I set out to achieve something in the blogosphere: To improve my level of visibility in the world and to measure that using Technorati. I have been doing a number of things to help with this, some of which I will divulge others are trade secrets. 🙂 When I started my journey… Read More »Technorati – I did it!