G that’s cheap
Just picked the reference for this article off Omar Javaid’s weblog before I got around to reading the register. Anyway it seems as though a Taiwanese company is entering into the market for the production of 802.11g chipsets and as such the prices could start tumbling down. Here’s to competition in an open market! original… Read More »G that’s cheap
In the 18 months or so that I have been following the development of Lindows OS I have always been amazed by the incredible advances made by the development team. Everything from the original idea to America’s cheapest pc. Today they have just announced another fantastic idea for low-tech users who just want basic web,… Read More »Wow!
Nanotechnology, pants!!
Just read this article entitled “Little robots in your pants” and only for it comes from a reliable source I would liken it to the AOL/Gateway call centre transcripts that are e-mailed around every now and then as jokes. As people become more technically savvy this kind of marketing (preying on the technically ignorant and… Read More »Nanotechnology, pants!!
WiFi Phones
At last an article about what effect WiFi will have on the mobile phone market. It’s been a while since the last bout of banter regarding the benefits of WiFi in urban areas but with technology under pressure to appear in a dwindling market, this could be a precursor to a new release. source: CNN.com
The Darkness Falls
As I read through the papers over lunch today, I was greeted by yet more bad news on the job front; lay-offs in Volex, potential job losses in Waterford Crystal, expected 1,000’s to face job axe in the next year. This has been building up for some time now and surely the world cannot be… Read More »The Darkness Falls
When 404 is No. 1
Congrats to Mr. Anthony Cox from England who succeeded in becomming one of the most visited sites around by simply displaying a contrived error message page. At first glance this 404 not found might seem like a harmless page not found error but on closer inspection it is a wonderful send up of the search… Read More »When 404 is No. 1
Report on always on computer users, whose machines may be hijacked by a new trojan that acts as a proxy for distributing advertisements relating to adult sites. Most people should be protected from it with some general security measures. However, more enticing is the story that always-on broadband users are continually subject to attacks from… Read More »Hijacked!!
Camera Phones
It seems as though the worldwide momentum against the use of camera phones has started to build up. I for one have always disputed the need for a camera in a phone (unless used for video conferencing) but there’s also a more disturbing side to the argument against such devices. People have become so accustomed… Read More »Camera Phones