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The Times, They are a Changing

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If like me you have forgotten in the past to adjust your clock for daylight saving, only to find yourself wandering around wondering why there’s no traffic or why your boss is giving you socks for being late. You’ll be happy to know that the process isn’t really that simple, well at least for those… Read More »The Times, They are a Changing

Lost but Not Forgotten

A class action brought against Fujitsu for selling faulty hard disks, and chips with knowledge of the faults looks like it will be settled out of court with a $42.5M price tag. People just don’t pay any attention to quality of workmanship these days, everything from large manufacturers to the small tradesmen. The story is… Read More »Lost but Not Forgotten

More Good News

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Well following up on a post I made on October 17 stating that the so-called downturn in technology was a media farce in Ireland here’s more evidence to suggest that things are definitely on the up again. NEC have just posted great 1st half figures, source: Irish Times, way beyond prediction and almost double that… Read More »More Good News

On The Up

Well it looks like things are on the up again after the last 3 years of market slump. EMC have reported substantial gains in this years Q3 compared to the same quarter last year. Other companies are following suit. Could it be that this was the quickest turnaround from a global recession ever or was… Read More »On The Up

Bin Tax

Yes, they should bin this tax in my opinion. Doesn’t every civilised country have an obligation to its citizens to keep it tidy? After all every citizen pays tax on everything they do never mind the money they earn. Bin charges are a ridiculous idea, it’s like slapping a tax on water. Remember what happened… Read More »Bin Tax

The Real Big Apple

Seems as though the new Apple G5 is creating quite a stir out there. Students in Virginia Tech have just managed to plug 1100 of the machines together in an effort to build one of the world’s most powerful supercomputers and a snip at only $5M. Could this be the end of $100M supercomputers? I… Read More »The Real Big Apple

Really Strong Plastic

Electroactive Polymers (EAPs) have had relatively little exposure compared to other developments in the sceintific world. Basically they are malleable materials that respond to electrical stimilus in much the same way as muscles do. This referenced article discusses the challenge issued by a NASA engineer to anyone who could beat his EPA-based arm in an… Read More »Really Strong Plastic

Well He Did Say He’d Be Back

Well Arnie is in and personnally I think he will do a great job over there in CA. His first press conference went really well and he’s handling the burning issues pretty good. His first major statement is that he won’t raise taxes (clich�?) and he’ll also repeal car tax. It will be interesting to… Read More »Well He Did Say He’d Be Back

Virtual Hurricanes

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Just picked up this snippet on Virtual Hurricanes or rather the new found ability using super computing to simulate extreme weather conditions such as hurricanes. I think that we will start to see a lot more of these chaotic simulation efforts as the research into GRID computing gains more momentum. At the moment such interest… Read More »Virtual Hurricanes

Perpetual Light

Just an observation but in recent times there has been several increases in the cost of ESB supply to residential and industrial clients. However, around the country and currently in Waterford for the last number of weeks, the street lights have been on constantly day and night. It’s not happening right across the city but… Read More »Perpetual Light