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Navigating through history

So often in my line of work, technology, I encounter the dilemma of watching technology emerge that does not directly benefit the end users; technology that sometimes makes life needlessly difficult. So, it’s at a time like this when I hear about a new development where technology is applied to a useful purpose that will… Read More »Navigating through history

Organised Spammers

I have posted on occasion when spammers have made me laugh and today is no exception to that pattern of my behaviour. We are all so used to getting spam in one form or other, be it suspect medications, lottery wins, traditional 419’ers or any other number of things. Today however, there was something new… Read More »Organised Spammers

Silverlight 60

Apparently, Nokia are to embed the Microsoft Silverlight client into their S60 handsets. The often feared symbian OS is now getting a pseudo-Flash client that will allow developers to make applications for S60 phones easier than they have been able to do so in native Symbian code. However, the combination of non-Flash posing as Flash… Read More »Silverlight 60

WebKit on your mobile

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TrollTech have updated their mobile Qt framework to include the WebKit browser. This is fantastic news for everyone who wants the full range of luxury web 2.0 services running on their handsets. Bad news for Nokia however who are currently interested in buying TrollTech as this will surely push their price up. The announcement regarding… Read More »WebKit on your mobile

Review of DLink DNS-323

DLink DNS-323 “Looking for a NAS solution that’s reliable, quiet and offers RAID features at an affordable price? Look no further than the DLink DNS-323!“ Ever since I had a hard drive failure last year that stood to cost me a lot of money in code I had written, I have been on the lookout… Read More »Review of DLink DNS-323

MT4 and Flickr – solved!

For anyone else out there who has been experiencing the same issues as me with automated MovableType 4 entries from the Flickr blog post utility this one is for you. I have to confess that I let this drop but only yesterday decided to try and figure it out again. Here are the steps: Log… Read More »MT4 and Flickr – solved!

Micro-hoo! ?

Microsoft offer to buy Yahoo! for $44.6bn Wow! That would certainly be interesting to the point whereby I’d probably need an MSN id to merge with my unwanted Yahoo! id to access my id that allows me to use my Flickr account. source: Pat Phelan via Twitter to Marketwatch

PS3, I Love You

I recently acquired a Sony PS3 (many months after everyone else) and I have to say, impressed? I certainly am. I’ve had a few consoles in recent years, xbox, Wii, DS lite but I have to say that the PS3 is really a nice piece of work. Since they stopped producing the full-featured 60GB model,… Read More »PS3, I Love You

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