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Life in General

Why does the world hate nerds?

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This is an interesting little essay that I picked up on reference from the weblog of Diane Duane whom I found through GeoURL as being my closest neighbour in cyberspace whom I did not know. Interesting how these things come about. Anyway, the essay is over personalised but still makes some interesting points about the… Read More »Why does the world hate nerds?

Does Saddam Google?

A very humourous article from CNN dated 03/03/2003 predicting a fierce cyber war in the current environment. As foolish as some of the concepts used are, it’s still very easy to see that something as simple as Google could become a war tool for either side.

Blogging London

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Well just on my way back from a project meeting in London and said that I’d advertise a hotspot that I just found in London City Airport (LCY); for all those weary travellers out there. Unfortunately it’s operated through a provider known as megabeam and they like to charge you for the privelege. However, I… Read More »Blogging London

Data Retention

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Thanks to for this one. The act that was passed to allow retention all information about telephone and internet calls by the general public so that it can be passed on to law enforcement units. I remember hearing about this some time ago but it seems to have surfaced again with the advnet of… Read More »Data Retention

Finally 2.62 is live

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Well today has been all blog and the last entry before sleep is no exception. I finally got the chance to upgrade Moveable Type to 2.62 after seeing the release of 2.6 on the site some time ago. The upgrade was pretty seemless even though being the eternal cynic I backed up everything several times… Read More »Finally 2.62 is live

Car Insurance – The National Leveller

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Well I guess it was inevitable but the rollover of yesterday into today saw my car taken off the road due to the unjustified cost of insurance in this country. You’d think that with a couple of years claim/accident free driving with a full licence that it would make some difference towards reaching a realistic figure for my premium. Alas, no! This is the country we live in; an unregulated farce in which commercial entities have free reign over legally enforced items such as car insurance.

Insurance costs have only risen since the introduction of the MIAB report. The points system is praised for its effect yet no insurance benefits have been seen. Since the equal status bill of 2000 was passed more and more insurance companies are blatantly discriminating against gender and age. I cannot name these companies for legal reasons but it doesn’t take long to compile this evidence from web-based quotes. Give it a try enter your details as a female and then the same details except as a male. Some companies won’t even quote you, others will have roughly Eur 1000 in the difference. Then mess around with the age issue for a bit of rage inspiring fun.

Read More »Car Insurance – The National Leveller

Patriotic Hackers?

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Well I guess with all the nonsense going on at this time in the world it is only natural that a press story like this should exist. Sort of on the lines of “think not what you can hack for your country but what your country can hack for you”. Read the full article on… Read More »Patriotic Hackers?

Another blow to music sharing

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Yet another digital indentifier is attempting to stop the online music sharing problems for record companies. CNN have the full story so read on…

Space Weather

If like me you get bored of national television weather reports and long for something a little more exciting and “extra” special then check out Plenty of information and photos that are kept up to date on a reasonably regular basis. Also tells you when the next comet is going to hit the sun…