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Life in General

Mícheál Mouse Update

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Well as sure as can be the proposal for the North Dublin theme park that I posted yesterday has been rejected. The basis for rejection is that the plans were too loose and vague. Surely this would mean come back with better plans but obviously the council is not interested in successful and substantial investment… Read More »Mícheál Mouse Update

TV Licences

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Just got mailed a link to a blog of a fellow Waterford man and started reading the entries. Political correctness does not seem to be high on his agenda but some of the entries/rants are pure fun. I trackbacked a post about TV licences for the sole reason that somebody needs to rant about them.… Read More »TV Licences

Consumer Confidence Up

All roads point the same direction or at least all the signs of a non-existent downturn (put in perspective) seem to indicate the same thing. According to an interview last evening on the Last Word (radio show on Today FM) The latest ESRI poll in collaboration with an Irish financial institute shows that consumer confidence… Read More »Consumer Confidence Up

Bye Bye Spam?

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The EU directive for electronic privacy was passed last Friday and it now looks as though horribly annoying spam will become illegal in all member states. Could this really be the end? source: EU Consilium (PDF download)

Ireland on the Up?

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Well, well. It would appear that in addition to my reports of various international companies gaining substantial growth and surging economic revival in the US that Ireland is also getting in on the act. A recent survey shows that the Irish manufacturing domain is growing sharply again. I guess this forms another link in my… Read More »Ireland on the Up?

Economic (Astronomic?) Growth

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Well for the last while I have been ranting about what I perceive as media farces with respect to global recessions and downturns, etc. Today I read in the papers that the US government has published figures that show the strongest economic growth since 1984. Enron type stats or the real story about the state… Read More »Economic (Astronomic?) Growth

Flat Land

Having recently just purchased a new television and talking about the options with family and friends, we got chatting about old stories and advances in TV. Many, many years ago we remember our Dad being constantly critical of the depth of TVs and how much room they took up. He always said that some day… Read More »Flat Land

The Times, They are a Changing

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If like me you have forgotten in the past to adjust your clock for daylight saving, only to find yourself wandering around wondering why there’s no traffic or why your boss is giving you socks for being late. You’ll be happy to know that the process isn’t really that simple, well at least for those… Read More »The Times, They are a Changing

More Good News

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Well following up on a post I made on October 17 stating that the so-called downturn in technology was a media farce in Ireland here’s more evidence to suggest that things are definitely on the up again. NEC have just posted great 1st half figures, source: Irish Times, way beyond prediction and almost double that… Read More »More Good News