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Life in General

More Overcharging

It’s happened again. Irish consumers have been incorrectly overcharged for services provided to them. This time the case involves the states landline provider. Last week I also heard rumours of a certain mobile provider ‘accidentally’ overcharging people too. What nonsense! The banks tried it and recognised that they were doing it and then repented when… Read More »More Overcharging

Black Hole is Now a Window

Can’t find any detailed sources on this yet apart from a very brief snippet in the Irish Times. Prof. Hawking gave his speech in Dublin yesterday removing the paradox that he was responsible for creating. It now seems as though black holes are no longer a theoretical pinpoint of infinite density in space but rather… Read More »Black Hole is Now a Window

Bush Bashing

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Everyone is doing it these days. Bush bashing seems to have become America’s favourite hobby and is starting to take over the shows of big celebreties. The most recent event was that of Linda Ronstadt being thrown out of her own show in a Los Vegas hotel for voicing her opinions on the current president.… Read More »Bush Bashing

The Truth About Black Holes

Today in Dublin, Ireland, Stephen Hawking will present his latest findings on the science of ‘black holes’. Having read some of Hawking’s material before I can’t wait to hear what his latest findings are. Rumour has it that he has undone most of his previous thinking about the ‘black holes’ and is now ready to… Read More »The Truth About Black Holes

Man on the Moon

For the sake of remembering history. This day 35 years ago man landed and walked on the moon’s surface according to NASA, denied by many. Either way this historic event will go down as being man’s greatest achievement in gathering all people together in common celebration and memory. source: <a title="NASA – Apollo 11 at… Read More »Man on the Moon

Insurance to Move

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Finally, the major insurance companies in Ireland are set to start reducing premiums after damning reports in recent weeks reflecting the huge profits made by the industry over the last year. We can all start to breathe again after the stranglehold that was placed upon us by these domineering, monopolistic, abusive forces that call themselves… Read More »Insurance to Move

The Lost Works of U2

Looks like U2’s latest album has gone missing or to be more accurate was supposedly stolen from a photo shoot for the album artwork in France. Needless to say, the band and the label are very anxious that the music does not appear on the internet before it hits the shelves. A full-scale search is… Read More »The Lost Works of U2

Sugar it Anyway!

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Sometimes you just don’t expect what you see in breaking news. Today it’s the might of the sugar industry crippling world trade! The EU is planning to bring about serious reform but one has to wonder if this reform will be granular and if the sugar industry will just decide to lump it or will… Read More »Sugar it Anyway!

Can Call?

Your favourite tumble down the sink now comes with a dog and bone. Cockney rhyming slang being the order of the day. Yes, special cans of the world’s favourite soft drink are being released with simplified mobile phone devices contained within. A bizarre competition launched by the drinks company where your drinks can calls back… Read More »Can Call?

On the LUAS

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Readers of my blog will know that I have never been a fan of Dublin’s decision to spend over Eur700M of “IRELAND’s” money on a tram system that won’t even connect it’s own lines. In recent days the LUAS system as it is known has become active for the public. So far we have had… Read More »On the LUAS