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Life in General

Girls Dig Gadgets!

Interesting snippet about how girls are often mistaken to be non-geeks when the opposite is frequently true. I personally wouldn’t classify it as a revelation given that manufacturers have in the past, released items such as a pink iPod mini. Of course only considering typical tastes here but perhaps this is evidence enough that someone… Read More »Girls Dig Gadgets!

On This Day…

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It’s good to know that on this day that I celebrate the passing of one year and the start of another (i.e. my birthday) that the status quo of common sense is still holding strong. Noteworthy events of the early morning include Presidents dismissing the findings of their intelligence agencies. Former singer Cat Stevens refused… Read More »On This Day…

The Cost of Moving

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No it’s not the cost of moving house but rather the cost of moving job location or to be more accurate the cost of moving your employees. This debate of decentralisation has been raging for some time now and it still fails to make any sense to me as to why the civil servants even… Read More »The Cost of Moving

Ireland or Atlantis?

Very interesting story just emmerging from the theory of a Swedish scientist. He claims that the lost land of Atlantis is actually Ireland. His theory based on geographical and historical studies could serve the tourism industry very well. Come to Ireland (formerly the lost island of Atlantis). source:

Bar Sales Fall

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It appears that bar sales are dropping off in the last 12 months. Much to the joy of all publicans I would imagine, as they now have something else to say that the smoking ban is crippling them. However, off-licence sales are up so maybe it’s not just the smoking ban but that fact that… Read More »Bar Sales Fall

Google IPO Delayed

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The long awaited floatation of Google to the stock market due to happen today has been delayed due to some issue regarding the search giant’s registration statement. Following a torrid few weeks of investigations regarding possible breaches of protocol prior to the float this is just another stumbling block that wasn’t wished for. All going… Read More »Google IPO Delayed

Sinister Day

Yes, today is international left handed day, the most sinister day of the year. 🙂 So greetings to all those who browsed on by with left-handed mouse movements and other such things. It still doesn’t beat international talk like a pirate day (September 19th – International Talk Like a Pirate Day). Keep your calendars free… Read More »Sinister Day

Thought for the day

Some day, just some day things might go according to plan. People might embrace the joy of smiling or being polite. Each person will be happy to take on tasks that are handed down rather than pushed on. And some day we might all be treated to a world that doesn’t conform to the sanctuary… Read More »Thought for the day

IFSRA says, “Shop Around”

Yeah, sure, good advice. Where exactly should we shop around? Banks might as well publish overcharging rates instead of interest rates. Car insurance cannot be purchased outside the country (mostly anyway there are very few exceptions I have heard of). Choose any phone provider but pay only one monopoly for your line rental. Get a… Read More »IFSRA says, “Shop Around”