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Life in General

What’s the big IKEA?

The government paved the way yesterday (well, actually, paved sounds like work was done, really they just abolished a rule) for large superstores like Ikea that previously could not enter Ireland due to the size restrictions on stores. The restriction has only been lifted in certain areas obviously Dublin is one (what a surprise!) and… Read More »What’s the big IKEA?

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year to all!! May 2005 be the realisation of dreams and the normalisation of the ridiculous. Back at the helm today with my shiney new iPod (thank you Siân – what a wife). While I am incredibly pleased with the iPod (a wonderful piece of engineering (that has now rendered my music partition… Read More »Happy New Year!


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Just read this disturbing piece of text about a forecast for 2050 when cars will drive themselves along motorways until the desired exit is reached. Meanwhile the so-called ‘driver’ can sleep or do whatever as the car speeds along paying tolls, etc as required. Worrying to say the least. Sometimes I just don’t think that… Read More »AUTO-Routes

Downloads Never Pay?

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Those in the music industry who campaigned against downloadable music and the horrible plague that it supposedly set upon artists (cough record producers cough) probably never expected that when the show went legit that Apple alone would have sold over 200 million songs since they put their iTunes service live (working out at about 4.7… Read More »Downloads Never Pay?

Leeching the State

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Bertie has said that the potential fiasco surrounding Minister Cullen and Monica Leech will have options looked at. Well, I know I’ll sleep sounder now knowing that options are being looked at rather than investigations taking place. I think the whole thing is very simple to assess and I sure wish I was getting Eur… Read More »Leeching the State


No not the car company but rather GM Cocaine as in genetically modified cocaine. Yes the cocaine producers of this world need to increase their harvests and produce steady crops. This latest development has resulted in coca plants that are supposedly twice the normal size. I’m sure somebody will be happy… source: The Register

IFRSA Report on Overcharging

The IFSRA report on overcharging in AIB was released yesterday and I’m sure was welcomed by the public. It provided no let-off for AIB in any way and totally placed all blame upon the group for not acting before it did. The report details that many senior management personnel knew about the overcharging for years… Read More »IFRSA Report on Overcharging

Clever Business Ideas

Every now and then you find a simple, yet clever business idea on the web. Here is one such example of an on-line store that allows you to create your own shop fronts with their products, control your own mark-up, promotions, etc and earn commission. It’s called For the exercise alone, in how to… Read More »Clever Business Ideas