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Life in General

0.5 Billion Reasons Why…

Apple’s iTunes store has just hit the 500,000,000 download mark (in only 19 countries). The ultimate answer to those in the music industry who said it would never work.

Scare Lingus

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It has been revealed that a document has been found within Aer Lingus that outlines tactics to gently “push” staff out of the company. Many ideas such as tacky uniforms, boring training programs, etc were mentioned in the document. Some would say these tactics were already in place for some time without effect. Regardless, the… Read More »Scare Lingus

The Creature from the Deep

Thanks to Rob for this story about a creature found washed up on a beach in Laytown. It looks like an eel but is black and red, has one eye, is about 1 metre in length, and has very strange looking teeth. I’m sure that the marine biologists will be flocking to Laytown to examine… Read More »The Creature from the Deep

Tall Ships have Arrived

The Tall Ships have arrived in Waterford for the start of the 3-day festival. Every road in the city is locked down for resident only access. Only in Ireland could we close roads for the arrival of ships! There are more Gardaí performing point duty than I ever knew existed in the city (certainly in… Read More »Tall Ships have Arrived

Hats Off to U2

Since the U2 gigs in Croke Park ended (sadly didn’t get to see them myself) the band have still been in the headlines of the papers. They are taking a case against an ex-stylist for unlawfully retaining some items of clothing including a hat and some trousers. I heard on the Ray Darcy show this… Read More »Hats Off to U2

Conserving Water

At a time when the entire of the Emerald Isle is being urged to conserve water for some reason (God knows it’s not for the lack of availability), it’s comforting to see yet another government catastrophy The National Aquatic Centre in Dublin is leaking millions of litres of water. First it was the roof blowing… Read More »Conserving Water

A Government That Understands

The last two days have spoken volumes about the government of this country. Yesterday came the comments from Seamus Brennan that pensioners should be allowed to re-mortgage their houses to the state to gain more money in later life (source: Irish Times). Now, just how would these pensioners pay back the loan? Possible answer state… Read More »A Government That Understands

Absolute Power

Whoever said that the vintners didn’t control the country will surely eat their words this week. The mighty McDowell has been taken down a peg with opposition to “his” cafe bar idea. Instead a proposal by vintners to loosen restaurant licences looks like an alternative. Tail wagging the dog all over again… source: Irish Times… Read More »Absolute Power

Opting out of Irish

According to a recent study the number of pupils dropping out of the Irish exams for both Junior and Leaving Certificate has increased by more than 400 percent. Sure it is no wonder when pupils are forced to struggle to learn a language as a by-product of text memorising and native discussion that forms an… Read More »Opting out of Irish

Jekyll and Hyde

Our famous Minister for justice (usually famous for not being liked by many of the citizens of the country ref. recent discussion on the Last Word, Today FM) has done a Jekyll and Hyde on us. Usually fire and brimstone against anything with the slightest incorrectness he has now issued a statement that he might… Read More »Jekyll and Hyde