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Life in General

Neighbourhood Fix-it

A new website launched in the UK, to help residents make known problems in their area, is making headlines for getting things done. It has taken the traditional one-to-one reporting of problems to the council and replaced it with a community board making the problems harder to ignore. Nice idea, one that I have thought… Read More »Neighbourhood Fix-it

Obi-Wan’s Cloak Sold

Obi-Wan’s cloak from Star Wars (that is the one Alec Guinness wore) has been sold at auction for GBP 54,000. Nice to have but a bit rich for me to bid 🙁 source: BBC NEWS | Entertainment

Black is white

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Yet again our stiff upper lipped minister for justice denies the undeniable. With all the furore in recent days about the accidental deletion of a law last year that opened up a loophole in the system for sexual predators to prey on children, McDowell still stands defiant as if nothing ever happened. What kind of… Read More »Black is white

School Exercise

It has emerged in a recent report that Irish schools are almost bottom of the rankings in terms of providing physical education (PE) to their students. I can’t say that I’m surprised. When I was a kid, growing up, the teachers used to stop us doing PE as punishment for misbehaving as opposed to punishing… Read More »School Exercise

Feedburner stats up 7300 percent

After noticing yesterday that my blog was attracting a lot of attention from the lunar eclipse searches I just had a look at FeedBurner’s stats for the day. Not often you see an increase of 7300% on a search term hitting your blog. 🙂

Spring Cleaning

With Spring being in the air and all that I decided to give my blog a bit of a dust and a new set of styles. Gone is the slightly dull, green and olive look that I had and in is a new vibrant and clean style. I’ve also changed a couple of the sidebar… Read More »Spring Cleaning

There must be a full moon

Just noticed an abnormal amount of traffic heading by my blog this morning, that is more than the usual one or two. 🙂 Turns out that the traffic is as a result of my post on the lunar eclipse that is happening tonight. I’m currently in the top 5 results from Google and in the… Read More »There must be a full moon

Even up

As I have tipped the hat in previous years to this day, “Work/Life Balance Day”, I do so again this morning. Albeit a made up holiday by the government that will largely go ignored, it does highlight an important issue that nobody is really paying any attention to. I don’t think that greeting cards are… Read More »Even up

Junior ASBOs

It’s official, the government have set in motion ASBOs for young people as of today. I have to admit that when the idea of ASBOs first became a pop-culture talking point, I was was very uncertain about the effect that it would have on the social structure. The whole branded for life thing was a… Read More »Junior ASBOs

I’m a winner!

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Just found out that I have been named as the winner of some Feedburner goodies. I’d like to congratulate my fellow victors, Frank and Bernard T and also to thank Paul who ran the competition and Bernie G who sent me in the right direction. Finally I will have a garment to be proud of.… Read More »I’m a winner!