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Life in General

NBC cancels iTunes contract

NBC has decided to withdraw its content from the iTunes store as of this December. The decision reportedly comes about as a result of Apple refusing to enforce stricter DRM on the media content and also flexible pricing options. Nice to see Apple sticking to their guns here. Although the iTunes store will lose hit… Read More »NBC cancels iTunes contract


Do I love technology? Yes. Would others refer to me as a techie? Yes. Would I call myself a nerd? Yes. Do I understand the current buzz around hi-end mobile phones? No! I have been vocal in the past regarding aspects of modern technology that I see no real advantage or beneficial use for other… Read More »Phone-omenon

Shocking Discovery

New research carried out shows how impulsive people are when a threat is within their sights. Researchers asked volunteers to play a basic video game like Pacman whereby the predator, a red dot, would chase their character about the screen. If the predator captured the player’s character then they received an electric shock. Analysis of… Read More »Shocking Discovery

Forgot where you live?

Not many people forget where they live, even after a week away from home most folk can find their way back. So where’s this going? Well like most people into a bit of technology I too have splashed out on a GPS for my car but one thing that I wouldn’t do is put my… Read More »Forgot where you live?

Throw out your old internet

Those researchers in Japan really should push the boat out more. In their latest drive they aim to achieve the simple task of replacing the internet? Should be a few hours downtime then? source: Slashdot

Business Lesson

Everything in the professional world is a reflection of something in nature. In all walks of life there are quiet types, bullies and opportunists. This video shot in Kruger wildlife reserve in South Africa shows it all in action. A herd of buffalo are attacked by a pride of lions and a baby buffalo is… Read More »Business Lesson


In the news this week, a drop-off in the housing market and a drop-off in cider sales. Now I’m not saying that there’s a link between buoyant construction market and cider consumption but… 🙂

Lotto Fever

For those of you living under a rock, inside a deep cave within Ireland, Lotto fever is gripping the country at the moment. The national lottery has not been won now for over 10 weeks and the jackpot is heading for Eur 15M this weekend. I play Lotto on the odd occasion, perhaps when depressed… Read More »Lotto Fever

A Chilling Tale from Outer Space

Not so much a chilling story as a story of a chilling device. Despite the free services offered by most city councils these days for the disposal of white goods, NASA has decided to go with the good old fashioned outer space fly-tipping. Yes, a huge refrigeration unit has just been ditched from the International… Read More »A Chilling Tale from Outer Space

To Padraig

To Padraig Harrington and yesterday’s victory: You treated the British Open like a boomerang, you threw it away but somehow had the confidence that it would come back to you. Congrats Padraig, you did Ireland proud and hopefully it’s the first of many majors to come for you now that you have broken the duck.