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D4 on alert

Appearing in today’s Times’ letters page: “Madam, – My home has so far received the emergency planning booklet four times. Is the Government trying to tell Ballsbridge residents something? – Yours, etc,” Well, yes, I guess that the government is trying to tell us all something. While some people in the country get feck all… Read More »D4 on alert


Read this on the Reg. It’s a 3-D printer made by some clever clogs in Bath. Claimed to be the first machine of its kind because it can print a copy of itself – like how cool is that! Although it would somewhat hamper future sales of the device. Basically the device sprays moulds molten plastic… Read More »RepRap

What’s got 4 feet and no body?

The Canadian police! Well, it’s a mystery that the Canadian police are trying to figure out.  Reading my gmail one of their news snippets along the top caught my eye. Seemingly over the past 10 months in Canada 4 severed human feet have washed up on different islands in the one area. Truly bizarre is… Read More »What’s got 4 feet and no body?

“Ring those f**kers!”

Those were the words of our newly appointed leader Brian Cowen, only a couple of days ago when he didn’t realise that his microphone was still switched on in the Dail after leader’s questions. To what or whom he was referring we may never really know but there are plenty of interpretations out there. What… Read More »“Ring those f**kers!”

I’m a mixture of superheros

Much like Paul and Shane, I have a hard time resisting these little “what xyz are you” tests. Today’s offering is “What Superhero are you?”. I seem to lean towards a majority Spiderman/Flash, no doubt because I failed to say that I hate redheads which invariably means that I am somehow enthralled by Mary Jane… Read More »I’m a mixture of superheros

Dilbert goes to Feedburner

I had wondered for the last few days where my daily dosage of Dilbert in my Google Reader had gone to. Today I see an update on the old feed to alert me to a new feed URL ( So I’m back in Dilbert land again. In addition to the new URL all the comic… Read More »Dilbert goes to Feedburner