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Life in General

Sick as a parrot

Well, I’ve been off work all week so far. Not due to any wonderful relaxing break nor DIY escapades or garden indulgences but rather I have been confined to bed with what we in the software business would call a composed illness (yes, I’ll have one from the top shelf, one from the middle and… Read More »Sick as a parrot

Dublin Parking Update

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A few days ago I posted an article with respect to the proposed introduction of increased parking fees in Dublin for people with “big” engine cars. Thankfully the Dublin City council has had a wake-up to reality to realise that “big” engined cars may not take up that much space and may also be very… Read More »Dublin Parking Update

What would you do…

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We’ve all been asked that question, “What would you do if you won…” Well a German lorry driver was given the chance to win and throw away Eur 75, 000. The unqiue competition winner won by claiming that he would throw the prize fund out of the window so that everyone around could get some.… Read More »What would you do…


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A new proposal in Dublin is set to see drivers of SUV and other large vehicles pay twice what a “normal” car owner pays to park outside their own home. A wonderfully green move by Dublin City Council – I’m sure that they had no profiteering agenda in mind at all when this was proposed.… Read More »SUV = EUROs


My site is just back up again after some server downtime over Christmas (strangely enough just after my open invitation to Gay Byrne – if I was paranoid…). Anyway it was probably best that way after I caught the RTE news report on driver deaths for 2006. More to come on that when I get… Read More »Reincarnated

Open invitation to Gay Byrne

I was informed during the week that Gay Byrne was recently on the radio singling out young male drivers as being the only problem on our roads. Apparently this interview was particluarly condemning of Ireland’s and the insurance industry’s favourite scape goat. It’s a pity really that it has come to this: Gay Byrne was… Read More »Open invitation to Gay Byrne

A new depth of shallowness

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For so long now the majority of Western civilisation has lived life based on the shallow assumption that looks are everything. For so long people have been driven to distraction, to think that their teeth are no white enough, their bodies are not correctly shaped or God knows what else. Just this week I caught… Read More »A new depth of shallowness

Out of debt, after death

I heard about this on the news yesterday and was simply shocked at the thought of old people signing over a maximum of 15% of their homes to the government so that nursing home fees can be paid after they pass on. I am almost without words that life long tax payers, having paid so… Read More »Out of debt, after death

No such thing as any lunch?

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We’ve all heard that there was no such thing as a free lunch but it is starting to look like there will soon be no such thing as lunch. A recent study has shown that the Irish lunch hour has been whittled away to a mere 38 minutes on average. The British are even guiltier… Read More »No such thing as any lunch?

ESB Hike to be Reviewed

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The 19% increase granted to the ESB by the energy deregulator earlier this year is set to be reviewed due to a dramatic fall in the price of oil since the grant. However, early words are only indicating that a couple of percentage points will be dropped from the increase rather than abolishing the increase… Read More »ESB Hike to be Reviewed