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WiFi in a wide open space

Just catching up on some feeds on the register and noticed this little article on the common practice of WiFi users sending everything they own over an unencrypted, unsecure connection. I suppose that this is a testament to the fact that either most people don’t know about securing their connections or they are just too… Read More »WiFi in a wide open space

Bloggers not libel

Sounds like good news for those who may be a little more vocal on their blogs. Seemingly they cannot be held responsible for content that they republish which may or may not be libelling to some person. source: Wired News

The Art of Noise?

Every now and then I stumble across something that grabs my attention purely for its ludricous nature. Today whilst reading CNN I found this article about dB (decibel) drag racers and one guy in particular who literally has a van full of amplifiers and sub-woofers. Some mentalities never fail to amuse me. source:

Music Swappers Beware

After much debate across the airwaves in recent months regarding file sharing and the would-be impact on the music industry, it now appears that the industry is prepared to bite back in a big way. Plans are afoot to scour the internet exchanges in search of those offering ‘substantial’ collections of electronic format music for… Read More »Music Swappers Beware

IT Outsourcing

It seems as though some bad news in the pipeline for the Ericsson job front has been turned into a standby via the outsourcing of nearly 1000 jobs for the telecommunications giant. IBM will move in to cover the outsourcing of Ercissons applications department in a move that may suggest that hardware and software development… Read More »IT Outsourcing

IntEgrate not separate

Yet another M$ move to combine IE as the only browser suitable for Windows users. They now plan even more integration with the Windows OS. So much in fact that they are actually stopping the download of IE6 as a standalone browser, so you better rush to get your copy before it’s too late… source:… Read More »IntEgrate not separate

Software Patents contd.

In an earlier posting I ranted about the proposed introduction of software patents. To follow up on this line here’s the viewpoint of the register on the same subject matter source: The Register

Upgrading to 2.64

Just upgraded my MovableType from 2.63 to 2.64 to combat the issues associated with the CSS bug and the XML-RPC issues also. Seamless upgrade and looking forward to more stable blogging.

Leaky Abstractions

Just read this nice little article by Joel Spolsky passed onto me by Mícheál Ó Foghlú. It deals with the evolution of programming abstractions and how they have inadvertently made our lives more difficult by making them easier. It’s one of the best and most concise articles that I have read on the paradox of… Read More »Leaky Abstractions

It’s not Gnu!

Well, this is a startling announcement that may change the way software is controlled from now on. Previously unable to patent software somebody has come up with a way around this and it looks as though it might put a squeeze on open source developments thanks to a few capitalist management types. Do these people… Read More »It’s not Gnu!