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Petrol Station Hold-up!

Except it’s the customers who are being held up. Finally a report confirming what we all expected and certainly what I and many others have been suggesting for a long time now. Irish customers are having the mickey taken out of them by petrol stations operating within the Republic. According to this report petrol is… Read More »Petrol Station Hold-up!

Virtually murdered him, She did

Just when you thought that you’d heard it all, you read this story. A Japanese woman who is an avid player in one of these wonderful virtual life games was recently so livid at her unexpected online, virtual divorce to her online, virtual husband that she killed off his character – virtually murdering him! Basically… Read More »Virtually murdered him, She did

Dressing it up

The whole country has been up in arms since last week’s budget and the announcement that the medical cards for the over-70s would be harshly means-tested. There were other controversial movements in the budget also but this seemingly is the one that has grabbed most of the headlines and caused the most controversy. The aim… Read More »Dressing it up

Budgie 2009 – Talk is cheep!

As words cannot contain the overwhelming feeling of rage that I have at the moment I will be brief. Earlier today I made a comment to Shane that if today’s budget was delivered and the metro in Dublin was not cut from it, there would be no future for this country. The budget was delivered and… Read More »Budgie 2009 – Talk is cheep!

Oxbridge on iTunes

Yes, it would appear that the good folk at Oxford and Cambridge have decided to open up a wealth of their lectures to the general public. No indication of a fee that I can see nor if the material will be offered up for free, I hope it’s the latter. Combined audio and video media… Read More »Oxbridge on iTunes

Colour in the Grey Sky

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Colour in the Grey Sky Originally uploaded by jbwan Snapped at one of the launches during the visit to Waterford of the Irish National Hot Air Ballooning Championships. Great to see the balloons back in Waterford and hopefully they’ll be back again next time. A wonderful spectacle for all to see; floating high over the… Read More »Colour in the Grey Sky


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It’s that time of year again, September 19th, and everyone’s favourite day: International Talk Like a Pirate Day. So get thee to the local taverns and be loaded to the gunnels with fathoms of ale!