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Michael Mann

Just sitting down relaxing to start the long weekend: Watching Miami Vice on the movie channel and despite not really getting into the story or being sold on Colin Farrell’s interpretation of Don Johnson’s character from the hit TV series, I am strangely compelled to keep watching. What has me so hooked? Well it’s simple,… Read More »Michael Mann

links for 2007-05-31

Simon Woodside | HOWTO develop Symbian apps using Mac OS X Starting to investigate symbian development for Series 60 devices (tags: series 60 symbian development investigate c++ programming mobile phone application)

links for 2007-05-30

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Hivelogic – The Narrative – Building Ruby, Rails, Subversion, Mongrel, and MySQL on Mac OS X Useful tutorial on how to install Ruby on Rails for Mac OSX (tags: mac osx ruby rails tutorial install)

links for 2007-05-26

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Flock Start Page – The Irish Times – Sat, May 26, 2007 – McDowell quits politics after losing Dáil seat to Gormley The Mighty McDowell resigns from politics after loosing his seat. Say what you want but the people always express their opinion of individuals rather than party politics. (tags: ireland irish politics michael… Read More »links for 2007-05-26

I’ve always admired…

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I’ve always admired Bob Geldof as a man who is never afraid to say the words that come into his head. He’s a tireless human rights campaigner with strong beliefs and the balls to back it up. Today however, I have even more respect for him having just been conferred with an honourary fellowship from… Read More »I’ve always admired…

Badda Ba Ba Ba

Badda Ba Ba Ba Originally uploaded by jbwan. Well everyone else is making parody posters for the election. Why not me? 🙂 Click the image above to enlarge.

Polls Apart

So the day is finally upon us, the centres are open and the booths are no doubt indelibly marked with the impressions of so many aggressive voters’ pencil scribblings. Election 2007 is underway. Just hours before the gates opened to voters, the INO finally calls an end to its strike action, possibly the best orchestrated… Read More »Polls Apart

Cows with guns

Hadn’t seen this in ages and accidentally stumbled across it today. High quality humour at its best.